Hello Funklodites,
I have not written in almost a month because . . . well . . . I'M TOO BUSY.
Let me clarify that I chose my business, so I'm not complaining, only explaining why I haven't blogged. Blogging is a passion and really fun, but my time is being used in other ways these days that don't allow me to type during my normal study hall hours. I'm using that time now to catch up on e-mail . . .
Who invented e-mail? What did we do before e-mail again? I honestly don't know how I'd get anything done without it. Isn't that sad and scary somehow? Maybe not, but the truth is: If my computer breaks, my schedule is completely compromised. And for now, my schedule is completely saturated.
Here are some highlights of things I've been up to:
Very cool experience. We received a lot of press and a lot of compliments, but the best gift was rocking out with the kids. I got to be one for about 60 minutes. Here is a video of one of the songs. And yes, that's me in the skeleton robe looking like something out of a 70's cult horror film.
And here are some reviews of the event:
Boston Globe
Boston Herald
SPIN Magazine
After the Boston Globe article came out, I got an e-mail from the publisher for Gregory Maguire (WICKED), inviting me to bring a choir to his new book release party. Funkyman is now the choir director to the stars, baby! OK, not really, but it was a nice offer.
Long story short, I'm the associate director for a new musical at the ART called Best of Both Worlds. I would tell you the whole funky story of how that happened, but I'M TOO BUSY. Rehearsals are almost every day, I'm preparing several different area choirs, and there are 50 performances. No I didn't slip with a zero - 50. It's being directed by Tony-nominated director Diane Paulus (HAIR won the Tony this year), and the cast and crew are great people. Come check it out. It runs from November 21 - January 3. If say you know Funkyman, you'll get a discount up to 0 percent. But at least you can say you know Funkyman. Here's an article about the upcoming production and a link to the website.
Explore Boston Theatre Magazine
BOBW Official Site
On Saturday, November 7, my gospel ensemble Confirmation will be celebrating 10 years of making music and leading worship in New England. We have a brand new CD called Virtue that's the result of over 3 years of work in the studio. The concert will be at Greater Framingham Community Church at 7:00 p.m.
For more info, click here.
On Friday, November 20, the 200-voice Tufts University Third Day Gospel Choir will be in concert in Cohen Auditorium in the Aidekman Arts Center at Tufts University in Medford, MA. We will be joined by special guest Ayana McDonald. You do not want to miss this. Check it out!
You've probably already seen this video, but in case you haven't and since this is LINK-A-THON, here you go.
Enough for now, enjoy the video and audio treats, and I'll be back before you can say
I'm not kidding, 1st week in September - Labor Day weekend - BJ's Wholesale club had the Christmas displays up and running. Did I ever tell you I don't like this time of year? If you missed that, click here.
- Funkyman
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