What is the greatest evil? Drugs? The Love of Money? Murder? No, but these will often get you a phat rap video. LUDA!! (Actualy, Ludacris is more about ho's in different area codes, but I digress.)
No, the greatest evil is movie previews.
How many times have you seen a preview for a movie that looked SO cool, but then you saw it and it sucked?
How many times have you seen a preview for a movie that looked SO cool, but then you saw it and realized you saw all of the cool stuff in the preview and the rest of the movie sucked?
How many times have you seen a preview for a movie that looked SO cool, but they show you the stuff that's SO cool that it takes away from the magic you would have experienced seeing it in the theater.
Take Superman Returns for instance (SPOILER ALERT). In the commercial I wish I hadn't seen, Superman takes a bullet in the eye. Yeah, that's cool, but I would have rather seen that in the theater and not known it was coming!!
Anyway, I won't moan on about this, but I recently saw Superman Returns and the first preview was for Spider-Man 3 coming out May 4, 2007.
MAY 4, 2007. Today is June 30, 2006. That ladies and gentlemen is too much hype.
Yes, the preview looks cool. So what? Been there, done that. They want me to get excited now about a movie that won't come out for another 10 months?
A wise man once said, "If you hype something up too much, it cannot live up to the expectation that's been created."
Actually, I said that, but anyway, it's true.
I want to enjoy my comicbook superhero movies with the wonderment of a child - as God intended. I don't want to see it coming.
- Funkyman
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